Joining Muscovy Archers
Muscovy is a small club with fewer than 60 members. The atmosphere is laid back and friendly and our members are helpful and supportive to new archers.
We have three main routes to membership.
The first is from applications made on completion of the six week training course.
Secondly, some people have NFAS membership, are in the process of weekly training and shoot as visitors for a few weeks before applying.
Thirdly, trained and competent archers move from another
area and apply because they want to join their local club.
Membership is by invitation. After six visits or so, an application can be made and the response from the existing members must be positive before it can be accepted.
Members of other archery societies are welcome to apply, but this may require some form of additional training, even if they are experienced archers. This is because NFAS rules of shooting, scoring, etiquette and bow classifications are quite different to that of other societies.
Another restriction on membership might be due to numbers exceeding the space available in the range. If this is the case, an application will be put on hold and the applicant informed as soon as a place becomes available.
We shoot in a farm building, which we have adapted for our needs and we keep our membership and training fees as low as we can. We charge a range fee for each visit which means that the archers that use the equipment the most will contribute proportionately more to the maintenance and upkeep of the club facilities.
The woodland course is available all week and it can be accessed when there are three or more members wishing to shoot. This is for the members’ own safety. We do not allow archers to shoot alone.
Our main expectation of members, besides friendliness and tolerance, is to help out when work parties are arranged, and on the weekends where we hold an open shoot.
If you’re interested in joining the club, visit the contact us page and drop us a line.